
글로벌 링크

We will make Andong City Council
a trustworthy council.

Welcome to the Andong City Council website.

Chair's Greetings

Chair of Andong City Council

안동시의회 읜장 김호석 사진
Welcome to the Andong City Council website. I am Ho-seok Kim, the chair of Andong City Council.

The 18 members of Andong City Council will always search for solutions to make the citizens happy.

The concerns of Andong citizens are also the concerns of Andong City Council.

We will pay attention to every citizen’s voice and take citizens’ opinions into consideration when developing and implementing policies.
We will always think of the citizens first and try to become a council that operates based on principles and trust.

Dear citizens!

You are the owners of the city administration.
Citizens’ reasonable criticisms, checks and balances are essential for properly operate a local council.
Citizens, the council and the executive body of the city administration are three major axes of local autonomy and these three axes must be in balance to achieve truly sound and mature local autonomy.
We ask for your continued interest and support.

Andong City Council will develop solutions and effective policies so that the city of Andong could continue to move forward into a brighter future.

Thank you.

강화군의회 의원프로필


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